
一言以蔽之:Don’t focus on goals. Focus on every tiny correct decision.

眾所皆知,TED Talks裡面有很多經典的演講,這裡選三篇關於「如何達成遠大的目標」之相關演說,節錄一些我喜歡的片段。


  • How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals [YouTube]
  • If you want to achieve your goals, don’t focus on them [YouTube]
  • How to motivate yourself to change your behavior [YouTube]


  • Don’t focus on your goals that are outside of your control. Focus on your behaviors, which are things that are in your control solely.
  • You control what you control, which is your behaviors. You tend to achieve your goals.
  • Marginal improvement to your routine -> huge impact.
  • Every tiny correct decision -> achieve the ultimate outcome.
  • All I do is take really big, ambitious projects that people seem to marvel at, break them down to their simplest form, and then just make marginal improvements along the way to improve my odds of achieving them.
  • People take information they want to hear than information they don’t want to hear. The fear induces inaction, while the thrill of a gain induces action. To change behavior, try positive strategies rather than threats.
  • Principles that drive our mind and behavior: Social incentives. Immediate rewards. Progress monitoring. Giving people a sense of control.



Reference: How to motivate yourself to change your behavior


另外,負面的恐懼不會帶來動力,例如公司每年的健康檢查報告,在在警告我們體重過重,會造成心血管疾病,這就像DRC warning一樣,看多了就通通waive掉。真正會帶來動力的是正面的激勵,例如當聽到隔壁的同仁說自己最近有比較帥氣美麗,我們就會在心中暗自偷爽。